Redesigning an e-commerce website for Yadav  Diamonds
The Project
At Yadav diamond & jewelry, customers can build their own engagement rings by selecting from 170k+ diamonds and 300+ setting styles. They can either start with choosing a diamond or choosing an engagement setting style. With the largest selection among all online retailers, things can get overwhelming very easily.
In order to streamline the purchasing experience for our customers, Yadav has made the redesign of the website our highest priority for 2019.
The Problem
When I started my redesign, here are a few key problems I found concerning:
1. The page has a 1000px maximum width, with a box shadow on the side, so all contents have a visual feel of being "constrained" inside a 1000px box.
2. With too little information being on the page, it overwhelms users, especially first-time engagement ring buyers, with some irrelevant products that are not necessarily getting them further into the purchasing path.
3. The look and feel of the page are simply "plain and boring" rather than "modern and clean".
The Result
The Brand New Homepage - Designed in Oct 2019
My newly designed Yadav Diamonds & Jewelry homepage resolves all the key issues I found above as well as helping establish a younger brand image:
1. With a maximum width of 1280px without any border shadows or boxes, it is visually full width like all other modern websites in the industry.
2. The content of this page is limited to cover the product categories that Yadav provides, but not too much that overwhelms users.
3. The use of intuitive illustrations easily guides first-time engagement ring shoppers into the right product they're looking for.
4. Lifestyle photos add an emotional connection between the products and customers, establishes a more vibrant, young and modern brand.
5. Adding a section of user-generated content on the page helps to build trust with first-time customers.
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